Mate Terraform and Serverless

Romain Kelifa
9 min readJan 19, 2020
illustration made using serverless, terraform, and gear icons : all credits to their author

Hello everybody !

Today’s article is about mating Terraform and Serverless together to get the best of both worlds.

“Why ?” 🤔 would you ask me !
Because IMHO, Terraform is very good at handling the infrastructure part while Serverless makes it a breeze to manage your Cloud FaaS deployments.
When I say “very good” it mostly means “less verbose”, as both of them are able to perform the same exact tasks on their own.


Imagine you would like to describe your core infrastructure with Terraform on AWS, so for example :

  • AWS Security Groups
  • AWS Subnets
  • AWS API Gateway definition
  • AWS IAM Roles
  • etc …

On the other hand, you would like to let Serverless handle packaging your source code, deploy to AWS CloudFormation and create everything required for your FaaS on your behalf, so for example :

  • CloudFormation stack
  • AWS S3 bucket to host versions of your deployed code
  • AWS Lambda (linked to resources previously setup with Terraform)
  • AWS API Gateway endpoint (linked to AWS API Gateway previously created with Terraform)
  • etc …

Also, keep in mind that you could make good use of some Serverless Plugins, among others : serverless-prune-plugin, serverless-offline, middy and so on…


Trouble arise when you discover that :

  • Terraform tends to destroy then recreate Resources on each change
  • There’s no Terraform Provider for Serverless, as it’s basically pointless since both of them aim at managing the state of your deployments and it could be done entirely in either of them
  • You could delegate Serverless actions inside Terraform to some Provisioning tool like Ansible, but you’re reluctant to add one more actor in your whole setup (more tools, more syntax to learn, more complications)
  • You’ve already gave a try at defining all the Resources either in Serverless or in Terraform configuration, but ended up gnashing your teeth as both describe some gracefully, while being verbose for the rest

Let’s do it

The main point is to be able to :

  • define whole infrastructure in Terraform, and provision FaaS deployments with Serverless
  • being able to pass required variables between both : luckily, there’s already excellent explanations about this from Yan Cui
  • write about Serverless module in Terraform in an explicitly way, especially the version of the package to be deployed
  • provide a way for Terraform to run :
    - yarn install microservice@version and yarn serverless deploy … when BOTH the resource is created for the first time OR when the Serverless module version is updated
    - yarn install microservice@version and yarn serverless remove … ONLY when the resource is deleted
  • avoid writing custom scripts as much as possible

As mentioned in this discussion, I first found a hacky way to do it.
But it happens that, aside from being very ugly, Terraform CLI also already warned that it’s deprecated, so it would probably fail in a coming release.

Then I ended up reading a lot of documentation and articles on the internet until I found this article :

One of the useful tip to run Ansible is the terraform taint command. By using the command, we can just run the Ansible portion not touching (create or destroy) the AWS instance.

Bam ! I thought there might be a way to use it.

Concrete example


Here are the versions on my installed softwares at the time of writing this article :

  • Terraform v0.12.19
    + provider.null v2.1.2
  • Serverless framework v1.61.2
  • Node.js v10.17.0
  • NPM v6.13.4
    Yarn v1.21.1
  • GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin19)
    Yeah… I bit the forbidden fruit… 😅

I’m gonna actually strip most of it in order to focus on how to orchestrate Terraform and Serverless together, which means that all you really need to try it out is Terraform, Node.js, NPM, Yarn and a command-line shell able to run GNU bash. Likewise, I chose to use Node.js and AWS ecosystems but you could switch them with your favorite stacks.

Please also note that the following solution is viable in a CI/CD pipeline since .serverless folder gets appropriately regenerated and synced whenever Serverless commands are run, as stated in this discussion. Same goes for .terraform folder and states files, as you will see below.


Gist sample files

First, let’s define a Terraform Module to represent our Serverless “provisioning of a sort” inside Terraform :

# microservice/module.tfvariable "microservice_version" {
type = string
variable "microservice_active" {
type = bool
default = true
resource "null_resource" "microservice" {
triggers = { version = "${var.microservice_version}" }
count = var.microservice_active ? 1 : 0

provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "echo \"install ${var.microservice_version} && serverless deploy\""
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "echo \"serverless remove\""
when = destroy

Please note that in a real implementation you would have to provide additional Terraform Input Variable matching required Serverless Options for AWS.
e.g. : stage, region, etc …

variable "microservice_version" { ... }

Terraform Input Variable which allows us to define the version of our microservice we would like to install with Yarn and deploy with Serverless.
e.g. : yarn install microservice@version && yarn serverless deploy …

variable "microservice_active" { ... }

Terraform Input Variable which allows us to define a mechanism to remove our microservice.

In fact if you just remove the block inside Terraform, it will remove the resource but it won’t trigger Terraform Destroy-Time Provisioner. With a Terraform Resource, this can be achieved by settingcount = 0 but the thing is that it’s not yet supported for Terraform Module at the time I write this article.

resource "null_resource" "microservice" { ... }

Define a Terraform Null Resource to allow us to trigger Serverless commands.
More on the implementation below.

triggers = { version = "${var.microservice_version}" }

This is mandatory simply because if you don’t put it, Terraform will completely ignore the changes to your microservice_version and as a result won't trigger a new Serverless deploy. Usually though, it will actually destroy the resource, executing the Terraform Destroy-Time Provisioner, then recreate it again, executing the Terraform Creation-Time Provisioner again. Of course, this is not what we want because if the resource already exists, we would like to skip Serverless remove and run Serverless deploy again instead, but there’s a way to bypass it below.

count = var.microservice_active ? 1 : 0

This is a trick to be able to run the Terraform Destroy-Time Provisioner when we actually want to remove the resource.

provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "echo \"install ${var.microservice_version} && serverless deploy\""

This is our Terraform Creation-Time Provisioner : it will run whenever we create the resource for the first time and whenever we update the microservice_version because of the trick above and below (triggers and taint).

Please note that here I actually won’t deploy anything, I just run some echo as a proof-of-concept.

provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "echo \"serverless remove\""
when = destroy

This is our Terraform Destroy-Time Provisioner : it will run whenever we set the microservice_active to false, or if you implement some depends_on variable on your module too.

Please note that here I actually won’t remove anything, I just run some echo as a proof-of-concept.

# main.tfmodule "sls_user" {
source = "./microservice"
microservice_version = "1.0.0"
module "sls_product" {
source = "./microservice"
microservice_version = "1.0.0"
# microservice_active = false

This is how, in your main Terraform file, you would define microservices to be managed with Serverless.

  • source : the path to the Terraform Module we created before
    e.g. : microservice/ so the module is located in ./microservice
  • microservice_version : the version of the package that you want to deploy
  • microservice_active (optional) : whenever you want to see your package removed, just set it to false
// package.json{
"scripts": {
"tf:init": "terraform init",
"tf:plan": "terraform plan -out terraform.plan && terraform show -json terraform.plan > terraform.plan.json",
"tf:taint": "bash",
"tf:apply": "terraform apply --auto-approve",
"tf:clean": "rm -f terraform.plan terraform.plan.json",
"deploy": "yarn tf:init && yarn tf:plan && yarn tf:taint && yarn tf:apply"

A bunch of useful scripts to be able to run everything in the terminal with just yarn deploy.

"tf:init": "terraform init"

terraform init : it is required the first on your computer (or whenever you delete the .terraform folder that it creates) to install required Terraform Plugins and Modules. This is usually required every time it will run in your CI/CD pipelines.

"tf:plan": "terraform plan -out terraform.plan && terraform show -json terraform.plan > terraform.plan.json"

terraform plan : this is where Terraform will read the configuration file (here and its dependencies), analyze the existing managed resources (stored in terraform.tfstate and terraform.tfstate.backup whenever you apply your changes, locally or remotely depending on how you set it up) and deduce the change to be applied, without applying them yet.

The trick here is to take advantage of the new feature in Terraform v0.12 and later to output the plan to JSON format so that we can introspect the planned changes with another script (more on this below).

terraform plan -out terraform.plan

Outputs the result of terraform plan command to terraform.plan file.

terraform show -json terraform.plan

Shows the content of terraform.plan file in plain JSON format.

> terraform.plan.json

Pipes the result of the previous command with > into terraform.plan.json file.

This where the whole trick lies, so keep up attentively ! 👀

"tf:taint": "bash"

Executes our file :

//!/usr/bin/envnode for ADDRESS in $(node should-taint.js)
do terraform taint $ADDRESS

⚠️ Don’t forget to allow your bash script to be executable by setting file permissions with : chmod +x

This bash script will execute should-taint.js and for every outputs logged in the console, run terraform taint.

// should-taint.jsconst fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const plan = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'terraform.plan.json'), { encoding: 'utf8' })
const modules = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '.terraform', 'modules', 'modules.json'), { encoding: 'utf8' })
const is = {}
is.serverless = key => JSON.parse(modules)
.filter(({ Source }) => Source === './microservice') // define Source accoding to your module source
.find(({ Key }) => Key === key)
const taint = JSON.parse(plan)
.filter(({ module_address }) => is.serverless(module_address.split('.')[1])) // filter the serverless modules
.filter(({ change }) => (change.actions.includes('create') && change.actions.includes('delete'))) // output of `triggers`.map(({ address }) => address)
taint.forEach(address => console.log(address))

So here is how we introspect the Terraform State to decide which resource we should run terraform taint onto. I chose to do it with Node.js, but it could be achieved with Python or any other programming language.

const plan = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'terraform.plan.json'), { encoding: 'utf8' })

Reads the previously outputted terraform.plan.json which contains the planned changes.

const modules = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '.terraform', 'modules', 'modules.json'), { encoding: 'utf8' })


const is = {}
is.serverless = key => JSON.parse(modules)
.filter(({ Source }) => Source === './microservice') // define Source according to your module source
.find(({ Key }) => Key === key)

Reads the installed modules from .terraform/modules/modules.json and provide a is.serverless shortcut method to be able to determine whether the resource belongs to our module or not.

⚠️ Please note here Source === ‘./microservice’ :
if your module lies in another location, update it accordingly.

const taint = JSON.parse(plan)
.filter(({ module_address }) => is.serverless(module_address.split('.')[1])) // filter the serverless modules
.filter(({ change }) => (change.actions.includes('create') && change.actions.includes('delete'))) // output of `triggers`.map(({ address }) => address)

Finally : reads the planned changes, determines if they are related to our module, checks if they will trigger both create AND delete actions and return their address (see Terraform Resource Addressing).

A note on Terraform actions :
only create : the first time the resource will be created.
only delete : whenever the resource will be deleted (including when depends_on is marked for deletion and when count = 0).
create and delete : when the resource has its attribute(s) changed, it will be deleted and re-created.

So in a few words, here we determine if there’s gonna be any change made to our module resource(s) and taint them to prevent Terraform from running Destroy-Time Provisioner while still running Creation-Time Provisioner.

The remaining commands are just shortcuts to terraform apply --auto-approve, deleting the temporary files created by the terraform plan output and chaining everything together.

I hope you enjoyed this article !
Happy coding 💻🙏🏻

